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Stay Fit with Smart Holiday Strategies

Woman using smartphone and earbuds during workout, promoting BetterTogether weight loss challenge benefits.

If you love to eat, then this is the time of year when all your loved ones are gathering. The problem? Some people gain weight and others may not be able to keep up with their usual diets during the holiday season that starts on Thanksgiving Day and ends on New Year’s Eve when we celebrate together as one big family!

I’m sure many among us experience an extra pound or two around these special occasions since there have been studies showing the majority don’t maintain normal eating patterns throughout most days leading toward/ including the new year itself while still celebrating parties in between which can lead too much food being consumed without exercise making any difference whatsoever – especially if someone has diabetes.

The holidays are a time when we often feel guilty for not being active and tend to set our fitness routines aside. But if you want to maintain your workout routine during this season, there’s no need! Here I will discuss some easy tips on how to make sure the New Year starts with fresh energy:

  1. Eat Before Heading Out

Eating a small meal before you head out is always better than not eating anything at all. It’ll keep your hunger pangs from getting too bad, and it’s also less embarrassing if the occasion calls for overeating!

  1. Select The Treats

Make sure to select the treats that you eat wisely since it is not worth eating something permanently just for this occasion! You should choose something available only during holiday seasons and not Something equally wonderful but more commonly seen on store shelves every day.

  1. Avoid Skipping Meals

Skipping meals will only lead to a downward spiral of dieting and self-sabotaging behaviors. Remember that even though it may be tempting, the best option is always not to skip breakfast!

You should also try your hardest not to overindulge during non-meal times such as at dinner or after working out because this could create more problems than solutions when trying to lose weight quickly on limited resources like food (3). A good rule would be: if you have any doubts about whether something counts as “clean” eat then don’t do it–no matter how hungry I get right now…

Woman using smartphone and earbuds during workout, promoting BetterTogether weight loss challenge benefits.
  1. Drink With Moderation

It is important to drink in moderation since too much alcohol will just add more calories than what you’ve already eaten!

  1. Be Active

Even if you can’t work out, just moving more will help keep your blood sugar stable and give you some much-needed time for rest. It’s also important to get enough sleep so that when the going does get tough again later on in life it won’t be as dramatic of a turnaround due to a lack of energy or focus from being too tired beforehand!

  1. Get Out Of The House

Make the holidays a family affair and plan some fun outdoor activities where everyone is involved. A snowball fight in your backyard will be sure to keep them entertained for hours, even if it’s just rolling out there with you!

  1. Don’t Skip Your Strength Workouts

Working out is often just boring and monotonous, which can lead to giving up. But by performing your strength training in a timely manner you will be able to maintain that muscle mass while refueling after those holiday meals!

This might sound like an odd idea at first- who wants more work? What we’re saying here though, is with all these extra stakes on our shoulders during the holidays (aka overeating) there was bound for one thing: gain some additional lean body mass without gaining any excess fat!

  1. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic exercise goals is the key to success. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day and you will be very happy when you achieve this! If your goal was half an hour or more but didn’t get there? You’re only disappointed instead of mad (as long as it’s not physically impossible)!

  1. Enjoy Yourself

It is also important to set realistic diet plans. Trying not to have any food will make you eat more, so feel free to enjoy the treats that are your favorite in small portions!

  1. Drink A Lot Of Water

Drinking water can keep you hydrated, as well as satisfy your appetite. It will also prevent a possible hangover if overdoing alcohol allows for one to happen in the first place!

  1. Eat Less And More Often

Meal timing is important for many reasons, but one of the most crucial ones has to do with energy levels. If you eat too much at once and then proceed directly into bed without any exercise or fresh air afterwards; your body will suffer from an excessive amount of nutrients which can lead to fatigue later on during sleep hours- not something anyone wants! Instead make sure that every day includes some form of movement before they retire (even if it’s just going outside), while also eating smaller portions throughout each waking hour instead larger 2x daily course load seen above

  1. Prioritize Your Workouts

So there you go! Twelve simple tips that will help avoid gaining weight during the winter holidays. This way, not only are people less judgmental towards your eating habits but also it’s easy to stick with them because they’re inescapable then anyway (since everyone else is sleeping).

Makes sense right? So try doing this early morning while everyone else still slumbers and get ready for a happy new year full of festivities without having any regrets or heartache after tomorrow comes around again…

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